Monday, December 30, 2013

Warning: It's a long one!

So it's come down to this....A 2013 review. Let's take a look back at where Sprinkles has been...shall we?

January started with the birth of a very precious baby girl. (ok...technically she was born Dec 31st) MommaB had her little darling who I just love. I've watched her grow this year and thankfully she seems to love her Auntie Sprinkles.
I also managed a trip back home to Texas in January! It was really good to get away for a while and to visit my family. I took the Wal-dog with me and got to meet my sister's boyfriend. My sister and I took pictures together to give to my parents.

We both got the Pink Memo!
February brought love into my life. I met RB on a dating website and we had our first date on Feb. 2nd. It went so well that we spent Valentine's day together and he made me a rap video about our first date. It was a good month.
March was a good month in that I took a trip to the beach with RB and I got a job! I had previously been unemployed since July of 2012. I started work in the middle of March as a temp doing surgery scheduling and data entry.
This was as close as we got to the beach!
April is a month in which I can't remember a lot happening in. I'm sure something must have happened...but it doesn't stick out in my mind. Sorry.

Here's a cute pic of Waldo to make up for April
A lot of shit went down in May...bear with me:
  • My divorce from Jazzy was final on May 10th.
  • I got my first mammogram on May 10th (yes...the same day I got divorced)
    • The mammogram showed that Tina the Tit-Lump was not a cyst like we had hoped.
  • I had a biopsy done on my left breast.
    • Tina turned out to be a fibroadenoma - in other words...benign!
  • The same day my biopsy was done - I got a call from the local police dept. My ex-husband had tried to kill himself and was suspected of trying to make a WMD. The bio hazard crew was brought in.
    • The police eventually determined that Jazzy was only trying to harm himself.
  • I turned 31!
  • I finished Holden:
So pretty! Malabrigo Yarn Sock in Solis
RB dumps me for the first time. No good reason. I spend most of this month in tears.
I also start running with my meetup group! I don't like to be told I shouldn't do something or that I can't do I take up running to prove a point. I can and will run a 5k!
First day! Before I knew how running would take over my life!
Two weeks into the C25K program...I throw out my back.
Three weeks after dumping me in June, RB texts me and says that he misses me. We get back together. He sends out an email to our parents telling them how he was just scared because no one had ever loved him like I did.
My back strain heals and I start running the C25K program on my own.
My job also turned permanent in July! I got a small raise in pay and even more exciting...benefits! Hooray for health insurance! 
I also manage to finish my biggest project to date: Gemini
Still don't quite believe I made that!
RB and I take a trip to the beach for his birthday. With his parents.
The Wal-Dog is less than impressed with the beach
Shortly after this trip, RB breaks up with me AGAIN. In the process of breaking my heart he also tears down my self-esteem by saying some very hurtful things about my appearance.
September sticks out in my mind for one and one reason only: the ELECTRIC RUN!
I electric ran that biotch!
I proved to myself that I could and would run 5k! In fact, I kept running, joined back up with a meetup group and continued to run every chance I got.
October brought the birth of this blog, lots more running, and Halloween!
Where's Sprinkles at again?
November found RB and me giving it one more go-around. Therapy included. Things were looking up. He couldn't drive on the weekends/evenings so I found myself making the drive to Cary quite a bit.
I volunteered for the City of Oaks marathon and had a ton of fun.
RB and I weathered our first real holiday together and he came and cheered me on at my Turkey Trot.
Love this pic!
Here we are at December. Where did this year go? December had RB breaking up with me one final time. I was the only one who was surprised this time around.
Cold and darkness had me joining a gym for the first time in my life.
Christmas rolled around and although I had a hard time getting into the spirit of things, I spent Xmas Eve with the people I consider family and Christmas morning with great friends. I skyped with my parents back in TX and talked to my sister on the phone. That evening was really hard for me. I got angry because I wasn't supposed to be alone on this or any other holiday. I was supposed to be with RB. He made me a lot of promises he couldn't keep and that makes me both sad and angry.
All in was an interesting year.
I can't say I regret time time I spent with RB. He taught me some important lessons on how I want to be treated and deserve to be treated. Plus...I met Bliss and gained an amazing new friend out of the deal. I am blessed to know her and am thankful for her friendship everyday.
I also started running because of RB. I keep running for myself...but I definitely started to prove him wrong. So thanks to that...I've lost 25 or so pounds...gone down 4 clothing sizes and feel amazing. I feel like my body is stronger than it's ever been and it continues to amaze me.
So thanks for the memories 2013. It's been real.


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Most people know that I'm kind of a Grinch when it comes to Christmas.

However, now that the day is upon us and the "holiday season" is almost over; I can take the time to enjoy this day.

I hope that you're spending the holiday with those who love you, care about you and make you happy.

I hope that you aren't stressed.

I hope you have good food to eat and great friends to share it with.

As for me? I spent yesterday with my bestie and her family. I am blessed to have a family of choice that loves me and always has a place for me. Today I'll be spending alone with Waldo. I'll skype with my family for a bit back home and open some presents under the tree. Maybe go see a movie, take a nap. Enjoy the day off.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2013


So I have decided to try to at least run one race every month next year. So that means by the end of the year, I will have run in 12 races.

I was already signed up for the Krispy Kreme Challenge (5 miles, 12 donuts, 1 hour!) in February and while I can NOT wait for that to happen...I needed something in Jan. Luckily for me, there were a couple of options.

I thought about a hot chocolate/doggie run in Cary, NC. But unfortunately, that city holds a lot of bad feelings for me. And while someday I hope that it won't...I didn't want to kick off my year of running with a bad feeling about where I was running.

So I went ahead and registered for the Stubborn Warrior: New Year 5k. It's part of the Stubborn Warrior running series. They award points to the top finishers and the more races you run in the series (I think there are 5) the more points you have the opportunity to receive.

I'm not the fastest runner out there so I'm thinking I probably won't get any points. But I'll get the t-shirt and have a fun run and that's what counts! :D

In other news:

I worked out with my trainer this past Sat. It was my first session so he took my weight and measurements. He also calculated my body fat. I have all these worksheets to fill out...about what I eat and my goals and such. Then we worked out and DANG are my legs sore!!! Supposedly, he's going to come up with a workout plan for me to be able to utilize even when I'm not working out with him. So that's pretty awesome.

Plus I ran 2 miles after working out with him. I felt like such a hoss. lol.

In knitting news:

I hung out with my stitchy bitches last night and we had a blast cutting out snowflakes and hanging them from the ceiling. Plus eating pizza and knitting. It was lovely to get out of the house and hang out with people this weekend.

What sucked was that my awesome Friggin princess hat had to be frogged! When I carried the yarn around for the tiara...I carried it too tightly and it wouldn't fit my fat head. So I had to frog it. I guess I'll be doing the tiara in duplicate stitch like the pattern calls for instead of trying to be smart about it. LOL.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Get yo ass to the gym!

I blame Bliss.

It's got to be her fault! I mean...she joined a gym at the same time I did! She obviously planted the idea in my head!

So I joined a gym.

It's funny to me....because I'm not a gym person. I'm not the type. I've never really even been to one...except in college to take the occasional dance class or to walk around the indoor track with my roommate.

I went to one gym close to my work. Free 7 day pass. Cool...I'll check it out.

I got the hard sell. I actually almost signed with them. The facility was clean and they had fancy lockers but it was very intimidating. I couldn't imagine myself going there and enjoying it. Plus it was in the opposite direction from home.

For this to work...I need to be close to home or on the way home.

Side note: Going to the gym for the first time as a newb is very scary. There are so many questions I have:
  • Do you undress in the locker room area? (I ran and hid in the toilet stall to change)
  • Are you allowed to bring your own water bottles or Gatorade?
  • Do you have to use a towel?
  • What if you don't sweat that much?
  • What's the correct distance be from someone else on a machine near you?
  • How in the heck do you get the tv to work?
  • Why is there no sign that says start the tv first and then the treadmill?!
  • What do you wear in the sauna/steam room?
Hit me up in the comments if you have more good questions or even better...answers to my burning questions!

/end side note

So after the big box gym got me to almost sign my life away at 46 bucks a month...I decided to visit a smaller, locally owned gym. I had heard they had an indoor running track!

I took a tour and liked the vibe. The walls were painted bright, happy colors. The staff was very friendly. The other workout people seemed nice and normal. Plus the price was right and it's on my way home from work! Score!

I also signed up for a personal trainer. Just once a month. I'mma get lean and mean and ready for this half marathon!!! Wooo!

The year of Sprinkles may commence!

Emotional update's been a while. I'm not going to lie. I just haven't felt like writing. Haven't felt like much of anything actually.

I waited out the week that RB was overseas. I tracked his flight so I knew he got home safely. I sent him a text asking if he made it home safely and were we still speaking? Nothing.

So what does any smart, level headed chick do? She calls him.

Here's a transcript of how well that went!

RB: Hello
Sprinkles: Hey! So you made it home safely!
RB: Yeah.
S: Welcome back to the states! So are we not speaking?
RB: I don't feel ready to do that yet.
S: I'm sorry? (I couldn't hear what he said)
RB: I don't feel ready for that yet.
S: Ok. So would you like to tell me what happened between Friday when you sent me the loving card and Sat when you broke up with me?
RB: I want to end this call now. Thanks.


That's right folks. He hung up on me. Who does that?! I don't think I've ever been hung up on. I have hung up on very few people...and those only because they were cursing at me.

I promise I was not cursing at RB.

You was a funny thing. It's like him hanging up on me...set me free. Its like that was the final straw I needed to say...I deserve better.

I do! I deserve better.

Because you shouldn't treat people that way. If I treated someone the way he treated mom would whoop my ass. Then make me apologize. Because she taught me...that's not the way you treat people.

To close out this story...he also sent me my Xmas present. It was a custom made running rack for my running bibs and medals. It's very pretty and exactly what I asked for. However, he couldn't be bothered to put a note inside that said "I hope you enjoy this." or even "Don't ever contact me." He couldn't even bother to put his name on the return address section. He put the name of the company he got it from and his work address. Really? Who does that? Why would you do that? Gah!

It looks even better with MY bibs on it!

I sent him one last text message. "I won't contact you anymore. When you're ready to be friends, you know how to find me."

I'm so tired of all of this.

From now on...I'm going to focus on and work on Sprinkles. She deserves it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Truthful Tuesday

So it happened.

Some of you have just been waiting for it...others of you are as surprised as I am.

RatBastard broke up with me last Sat.

I was supposed to take him to the airport in the afternoon...but when I woke up he was already sitting out in the living room and wanted to talk.


No really good reason...surprise surprise. Here's a few of the high points of our conversation:

  • I'm getting those "feelings" all over again - no definitive answer as to what those feelings might be
  • I hate staying over at your house - because I'm messy and he's a neat freak
  • I think I can do better
  • I think I jumped into dating you because you were the first girl who showed up
  • I want to date lots of other women and see what's out there
  • I think we're better off as friends
  • I think you love me more than I love you
Needless to say, I went home and bawled my eyes out.

Funny thing? Friday evening...he said these exact words to me, "I am not breaking up with you and I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust back."

Even funnier? In my mail on Sat...was a super sweet, lovey-dovey Christmas card in it. It said...and I quote:

I wish you a life filled with love and care, as you filled mine with yours.
I thank you so much for your support, strength and faith in us.
May our shared love, passion and togetherness last for a long time to come.
Love, RatBastard"
Excuse my language...but WHAT THE FUCK???!!!!
The card was postmarked on Friday. So what the hell happened between Friday morning and Sat morning to make him flip the switch?
There are a lot of theories being thrown out there. I don't even know. I can't even tell up from down anymore with this boy. I love him so damn much but I am so sick and tired of feeling like this.
I know that he loves me. But at this point...that's not enough.
I need someone who loves me all the time...full on...balls to the wall. Someone who would walk through fire for me because he knows I'll never ask him to. Someone who recognizes that I'm a diamond in the rough and is proud to have me as his girlfriend. I need someone who I can trust to give my heart to and know that they won't stomp on it time and time again.
I want so much and yet I settle for so little. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Race Face

Well...I suppose I am a real runner now. I have been captured with the dreaded "Race Face."

I got an email today that my race photos were posted for my viewing (and buying) pleasure. Let's be honest...I'm not paying 10 bucks for a 4x6 of me looking like a dufus. Hopefully some day I'll get a good race photo of me that I feel like blowing up to poster size...but until that day happens...I've taken these lovely pics with my phone for your laughing pleasure!


This is the best of the bunch. Yes...I give the thumbs up! when running.
So focused on the finish line!
My friend Joe always says I look like Phoebe from "Friends" when I run. This photo proves that.
Race Face!
OK. You can stop laughing now. You're welcome! 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I haven't been knitting but I have been playing with yarn!

Almost 2 years ago, I won some dye-able yarn from the Carolina Fiber Festival. I've held onto some of it...just waiting for the right opportunity to present itself.

Last weekend...that opportunity showed up!

A couple of us Dirty Knitters went over to our friend M's house. I shall call her Darkside because we always joke that she balances me out in the world. Everything I love, she hates. Everything she loves, I hate. We're complete opposites...but it works because she's the sweetest person ever.

Darkside has the neatest basement ever. She has a great craft area and it has it's own kitchen with a pull out stove that is seriously retro-cool.

She has done a lot of dying so she knew what she was doing and had the right dyes to make everything super easy. We had all pre-soaked the yarn so we just soaked it a little more with some dawn to make the yarn "open up to take the dye" and then we put the yarn on the stove in big pots with the dye until the dye was "exhausted." What's cool is that if you do it right...the yarn will EAT all the dye and then the water will turn out clear! Sweet!

That hot pink is my yarn!
I picked a hot pink color to dye my main yarn. I love bright colors and I couldn't believe that Darkside even had that dye! Apparently a friend of hers bought it. LOL! It's currently drying over my kitchen sink...waiting to be turned into a hat with a tiara in it!
I also stuck a skein of yarn in with one of the Dirty Knitter's yarn...for a beautiful teal. My yarn wasn't taking the dye so great so it had to stay after school with Darkside for more soaking. She sent me a text's looking pretty good!
 Oooohhh pretty!
Not sure yet what that one will want to be. But I'll keep you updated! :D 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Turkey Trottin!

It started on Tuesday night when I went to go pick up my bib. It was a cold, dark, rainy night and it took me an hour to drive not even 20 miles. Once I got there it was really easy to pick up my took 5 mins. Then I almost got hit by a car as I was crossing the parking lot. Really? How do you miss a person with a huge, bright umbrella?! I gave them a few choice words. My heart was beating a little fast after that.

It has my name on it!!!

After a week and a half of not running very much...I was slightly worried about running an 8k. For those of us not so great at math...that's right about 5 miles. That's the furthest I've ever run.

I woke up the morning of and ate some peanut butter crackers. I needed something in my stomach to keep it settled. I also drank a Gatorade and ate some energy chews. Yum!

RB (RatBastard) drove me to the race. He had made me a sign and was planning on hanging out to watch me run. I was excited to have someone there to cheer me on!

Rockin and ready to run!
I had a ton of layers on. I had a base pair of tights, running pants, 3 technical tops, wool hat, fingerless gloves, and a neck warmer. Plus I bought new socks that sat higher on my ankles.
There were just over 3000 people there! I saw so many people dressed up! I saw a girl dressed as a pie, dozens of turkeys, a pilgrim and Native American running together...lots of fun costumes!
The run itself wasn't too bad. It was very hilly but I just ran when I could and walked when I had to. I did have to stop in the middle of the race and pull off one of my layers. I took water at the first stop but not at the next two stops.
I was so excited as we ran down Ridge Rd and got closer to the finish line. I knew RB would be waiting for me and I couldn't wait to see what his sign said! As I rounded the corner back into the parking lot...I heard a group of people cheering my name! It was my running friends from the Hibernian Harriers run club! Awesome! I pointed at them and cheered and kept on running. Straight ahead was RB! Holding a sign that said "Lady Na-Na, Run like crazy for the turkey and gravy!" I blew him a kiss and booked it to the finish line!
Now for the results!
In my age group I came in 119th out of 158. Overall I came in 1549 out of 1940. Not too bad! Not the best but not the worst!
My gun time was 57:45 and my chip time was 56:05.
Mile 1 = 11:38mm
Mile 2 = 10:12mm
Mile 3 = 9:42mm
Mile 4 = 11:17mm
Mile 5 = 11:23mm

Obviously, I hit my best stride in Mile 3. But overall...I'll take an 11 min mile! After the race I grabbed a banana and a cup of water and made a very nice stranger take our picture. Please excuse how crappy I look...I just ran 5 miles!

He's pretty good

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Slacking and whining.

I feel like such a slacker. I haven't been running. I haven't been blogging. I haven't been knitting.

So what have I been doing?

Darned if I know. But I've been exhausted lately. Damn RA.

I did run on Monday. I pushed it on the treadmill and managed 3 miles. Believe me that I felt every ounce of those miles yesterday. Even Ollie couldn't get out all my kinks.

I did pick up my bib for my 8K race tomorrow! I'm hella nervous that I won't be able to run the whole 5 miles. Especially since I haven't run a whole lot the last week and a half. Call it a taper week, I guess.

Run, Sprinkles, Run!
I need to complain about the treadmill for a little bit. OMG...I know why people hate it. It was hella cold here on Monday (the high was 40 degrees!) so instead of running with the Hibernian Harriers Run Club...I decided to pop over to my apt complex gym and get a run on the treadmill in. Piece of cake...right?
Ha! My apt complex has no TV in the workout area. So its deathly silent. I thought...surely I can get a wi-fi signal. I did! But it was so weak that nothing would pull up on my tablet. Finally I had to resort to draining the last 10% of my phone battery to play some music because I was dying.
The hard part about running on a treadmill is figuring out your pace. When I run outside...I can vary my pace. Sometime I run faster and sometimes I run slower. Sometimes I even need to walk for a min before I can run again. On a treadmill...that's very hard to do.
Also, there's no scenery. No telling myself, "Sprinkles, just run to that tree. just run to that sign." There is nothing to distract yourself with.
I think I'm going to try either running in the dark by myself on well lit streets...or on the treadmill at work...since our gym at work actually has a TV in there! 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Weekly Recap

Oh man....what a week!

I have not run a whole lot because this week has been so crazy!


I managed to sneak out of work early (I took my boss home) and worked in a run with the Wal-dog. We only went 2.05 miles because it got dark. I do NOT like to run in the dark. I was impressed with Waldo. He kept up like a champ!

After my run (and a quick shower), I went to my C25K graduation! We all met at Crabtree Tavern and enjoyed a great meal together. There was lots of laughing and joking around. We gave our coach/leader/guy a card and gift card to Fleet Feet. I told him he could use it to get some new shorts! (The day we ran in the SLEET, he showed up in shorts!) We've all promised to keep up with each other and go running together again.
Such a good looking group!
I had tickets to go see Macklemore and Ryan Lewis at the PNC Arena! I pretty much paid nothing for my ticket because I had won a gift card from the PNC Arena that I used to get it. So imagine my face when I found out that it was $20 to park!!! Crikey!
I went to the show by myself and had a blast. I sat next to the nicest family. It was a little uncomfortable sitting next to the mom while the opening acts were rapping about F-this and F-that. I told the mom that they seemed like cool parents to take their kids to a concert like this. (My parents would have NEVER gone to a rap concert with me. Or even let ME go!) She told me that they didn't censor their kids music and that they were both straight A students so they didn't worry too much about it. It's just music. I thought that was a cool way to look at it.
The two opening acts were ok. They were Big K.R.I.T. and Talib Kweli. Honestly, I wasn't terribly impressed. Maybe because the sound quality wasn't that great? Talib Kweli rapped over a track of himself for a couple of songs and that really just turned me off. They both had a couple of songs I enjoyed but honestly, I just wanted to hear Macklemore.
Plus I was really uncomfortable when I saw a young girl (maybe 8 years old?) walk past me in a homemade Macklemore shirt while one of the opening acts was singing "F-these haters, F-these hoes." *censor is mine and mine alone.
Macklemore does curse in his songs. But it's not every other word. I have a problem with people who can't talk or rap or sing without cursing every 3 words. There are lots of words in the English language!
After the opening acts, we got to sit there for about 30 mins. Weee! So fun. I know I'm getting old because I texted Bliss and told her I was ready for the main act to start already. It was past my bedtime!
Finally at 9pm...the main act! Such a great show. Macklemore had such a stage presence. He would talk to the crowd and really kept the energy going. I just loved it.

Why is it in this day and age I still can't get a good concert pic on my cell?
RatBastard and I went to therapy. I supposed now that we're back together I should come up with a new nickname for him. I'll think about it.
Therapy went well. We both really liked our therapist and RB really took it seriously and opened up a lot. I'm looking forward to our next session. We even have homework!
Stitch 'n bitch night with my knitters! Where my stitches at? I'm working on a pair of fingerless mitts that are currently the bane of my existence. I have frogged them once completely and now am ripping out two rows. On DPNs. Boo!
Hasn't happened yet but I have a Girl Scout meeting tonight! We're going to work on our detective badge and probably talk about our pending trip to Savannah next year! Fun!
HOPEFULLY I can get some running in on Sat. I feel like I haven't run in forever but I think that since I ran so much last week...I'll be ok this week. But back to the grind next week! I'm running 8k on Thursday next week!

Friendship and love

I am thankful for my friends.

I have a good amount of friends. I have knitting friends, running friends, GS friends, friends from college and high school, friends I only chat with on facebook, texting friends, long distance friends and even a best friend.

I am truly blessed with good people who share my sorrows, my joys and keep me sane.

That being said...I have noticed several different reactions when they find out that I'm back with RatBastard:
  • "Why?! Why would you do that?! Are you out of your mind?! What are you thinking?!!!"
  • "I think you're making a huge mistake.
  • "I think you're making a huge mistake and I don't want to hear anything about it. I just can't handle hearing about him."
  • "You do what you have to do."
  • "Who am I to judge? Just be careful."
  • "You'll be sorry when he breaks your heart again."
Some of these reactions were hard for me to hear. Some of them, I have no response to. How do you put into words how you feel about someone?

I understand why they've reacted this way. They love me. They don't want to see me hurt....again. They've been there, done that, and don't want it to happen again. Trust me....neither do I.

I can't even begin to explain why I'm back with RatBastard. I just know that I love him. I love him for the man that he is, the man that he was, and the man that he is going to be. I see so much potential there. I know how I feel when I'm with him. I know that he loves me. I know that he has some issues that need to be worked out. So do I. And we're working on them.

Hopefully...this relationship will last a long time and my friends will come around. Time will heal old wounds and new memories will be made.

Either way...I know my friends have my back and always will. And I love them for that.

Thank you friends.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Running update

I have been running!

Last week was a crazy week with running.

Monday - Hibernian Harriers Run Club
Tuesday - C25K meetup group - W8, D1
Wednesday - Ladies night at Fleet Feet
Thursday - should have been W8, D2 but I needed a rest day
Saturday - C25K meetup group - W8, D3!

On Wed, I went to Ladies night at Fleet Feet. It was very fun. I got there and there were about 14 of us ready to run. We took some pictures and then we were off!

Good looking group!

It was a straight shot down Six Forks Rd and then back. The way down was easy...I was running at a good pace and felt great. I loved watching the people in the cars just staring at us as we ran past. The way back was much was all up hill! I don't remember there being any downhill!!!

Back at the store they had some delicious cocktails for us to try as well as some snacks. The stuffed mushrooms were particularly delicious as I shoveled about 12 of them into my mouth. I had to apologize to a lady for eating while she was talking to me but I was STARVING after running 3.49 miles!

After I ate, I decided to go get a chair massage. I was 2nd in line so I talked to a guy about being cryogenically frozen. Apparently, its the new thing to do in sports medicine. You take off your clothes (you wear panties and gloves) and then step into this machine with your head outside of it. The blast you with cold for about 3 mins. It makes your blood go to your core and is supposed to rejuvenate muscles and all that good stuff. I can make an appt for to try it for just $20 so I might do that. It sounds interesting!

The chair massage was excellent. I wish I could get one of those after every run! After that, it was all over. I took my picture with my running friends and we were outie!

My running girls!
On Sat...we ran our last meetup group! It was kind of bittersweet. It was awesome because everyone was able to run the full 35 mins and most of us went the full 3.1 miles (5k!). We actually ran a little further...3.35. Not too shabby! I also found out that I look like a total doofus when I run!

Goofy girl!
This week will be rough trying to fit my running in. I need/want to run at least 3 times this week...but I have a full schedule.
Mon - Meetup group graduation! Hooray for a nice dinner with running friends!
Tues - Macklemore concert! I can not wait!
Wed - Therapy session with RatBastard - should be interesting
Thurs - Stitch n' bitch
Fri - Girl Scout meeting
Sat - will definitely be able to run
Sun - The new Hunger Games movie! Catching Fire here we come! 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ode to Ollie

Oh Ollie, my Ollie,
You make me feel so good.
Oh Ollie, my Ollie,
Roll with you, I always should.

Your grid knows
Just how to please,
Your touch sends me into ecstasy.

With you I make sweet, sweet love
I promise you'll never have to wear a glove.

You know just how
To make me moan,
My neighbors
I'm sure adore,
Oh my God,
I always scream...
I'm just your running whore.


Thanks for always working out the kinks.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I have NO toilet paper in my house.

I swear...who let ME be an adult? Shouldn't there be some sort of test or rulebook to follow? Nope...they just throw you out to the real world and you're forced to fend for yourself. Such craziness.

I obviously can not be held responsible for my own lack of TP in which to wipe my behind!

Guess I'll have to "borrow" a roll from work to get me through til I can make it to the grocery store. Jeez.

In running news...

I had an awesome run last night with the Hibernian Harriers Run Club! They had a rep from New Balance there, letting folks try some new shoes for the run. At first I thought, "Why would I want to try a new pair of shoes when I have my most awesome Adidas Supernova Sequence 6s?" But then he said the magic words....Free Pint Glass.

So I tried the new shoes. I have no idea which ones they were.

Bad Blogger.
I always like New Balance shoes. I mean...they have an "N" on them. Sprinkles starts with an N! Obviously those shoes are made for me!
With this group, I always start out way too fast (9 mm!!!) and end up much slower and towards the very back of the pack. I'm ok with this. Last night, these two girls caught up with me and were excited to see that I had a map as it was their first time and they were slightly lost. I let them know that they were totally cool to run with me, but I was slow and they would probably end up passing me up.
Turns out, they were right about my speed! What's even crazier? We were about halfway done running, when one of them asked me who else I run with. I'm explaining my meetup group to her when she goes, "Sprinkles?" OMG! It ended up that I was running with two of the girls from my first meetup group...the girls I ran the Electric run with! So cool!
So we ran the rest of the way together and I actually did really well! I felt good and fast and strong. I managed to mostly run up the crazy hills! We made it back to the Hibernian and I returned the New Balance shoes. They were alright to run in but my socks bunched up a bit which made my left toes go numb. I had that same problem in my old Adidas shoes but not in my awesome new shoes. I also collected my free pint glass! Yeah-ah! All in all...a great night!
If it's's for me!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Seriously long seriousness.

So I said goodbye to my ex-husband yesterday. He left to move to Ohio to live with his dad.

Back story:

In 2005, Sprinkles met a man we'll call Jazzy. Jazzy was smart, funny and kind. He was also 20 years her senior. They started talking in Feb, met in April, visited twice in May, and Sprinkles moved to Raleigh to live with Jazzy in August.

Her parents were livid. Not only was Sprinkles moving across the country away from them, she was doing so with a much older man.

Eventually, Sprinkles and Jazzy got married. They had their typical ups and downs like all marriages do, but things were pretty normal for a few years. Sprinkles' parents finally even came around and liked Jazzy.

Montego Bay, Jamaica

Then Jazzy started working long hours. Like 70-80 hour weeks. And when he wasn't working...he was drinking. When Jazzy would drink...he would become extremely depressed and say disparaging things towards himself and their marriage. Then in the morning, he wouldn't remember the things that were said.

In March of 2011, Sprinkles went home to Texas for a much needed break. She had started therapy the month before because she didn't feel equipped to deal with a depressed alcoholic who worked all the time. While she was there, Jazzy called to let her know that he was quitting his job out of the blue. Despite pleading...there was nothing she could say to change his mind.

Eventually, the bills started piling up. Sprinkles took a second job at a big box craft store. If you're going to take a second job, might as well be doing something fun...right? Jazzy decided that he really didn't want to work and would rather stay home and drink all day. Or he'd come up with crazy schemes for the future like going back to art school (with what money?) or making wooden toys to sell on ebay.

Sprinkles tried to be supportive but was reaching her breaking point.Through it all...she kept pleading and begging Jazzy to get help. To find a job. To work on their relationship. No dice.

In November of 2011...the electricity was turned off. Turns out that Jazzy wasn't paying all of the bills and wasn't telling Sprinkles about it. Sprinkles realized that she should have been paying closer attention to these matters.

Since Sprinkles was working two jobs and needed electricity and hot water to function well at those jobs...she moved in for a few days with MommaB. MommaB has a guest room and let Sprinkles bring the Wal-dog with.

The breaking point came when Sprinkles was staying with MommaB and Jazzy drunk called her. He accused her of never loving him and started to say some really nasty things before Sprinkles calmly told him she wasn't going to listen to that and hung up on him. Within 30 mins, he called her back to apologize.

That was the final straw.

Sprinkles told Jazzy he needed to move out....she wanted a divorce.

Fast forward through Sprinkles moving out, a year-long separation (thank you state of North Carolina), and lots of heartache...their divorce was final on May 10th, 2013.

This happened to be the same day Sprinkles had a mammogram. She had found a lump in her left breast.

The day that Tina the tit-lump got a biopsy....Jazzy attempted suicide. Sprinkles received a call from the Raleigh PD. Apparently, the bio hazard team had to be brought in because they suspected that Jazzy may have been trying to make a WMD. It turns out that he wasn't...he was just trying to harm himself. He did 3 weeks in the local mental hospital.

Sprinkles was going through her own challenges in life through this time (see: Tina the tit-lump) and was unable to be there for Jazzy. Plus she no longer really knew this man anymore. Thankfully Tina turned out to be benign.

In August, Sprinkles and Jazzy were able to spend some time visiting together. Jazzy came by on a nice Sat afternoon and they took the Wal-Dog to the dog park. They talked and had a strange, but pleasant afternoon. Sprinkles had no hard feelings left towards Jazzy.

In Sept, Sprinkles got a strange feeling that she needed to check on him. Something didn't feel right. She called and left a message and he didn't answer. She went to his apt and still no answer...nobody home. As she was about to call the cops to come check on him, a neighbor stopped her and said he had been taken out by ambulance. A couple of calls later she found out he was back in the mental hospital after a second suicide attempt.

That Sunday, she got a call from Jazzy. "Will you please go by my apt and get my clothes and bring them to me?," he asked. Of course. After all...if she doesn't....who would?


When my ex-husband got out of the hospital (he was released after about a week), I saw him a few times. I brought him a cane as he has trouble with his balance now. I took his fancy sleeping bag that he no longer had use for. We chatted and I brought him cookies. I had trouble staying long because he now smokes inside his home and it hurts my lungs.

It's like looking at a stranger I used to know. He's missing most of his teeth. He smokes like a chimney. He repeats himself a lot and doesn't remember things so well.

He was evicted from his apt. I had to tell him that for my own mental health and safety...he could not stay with me. He ended up having to move to Ohio with his dad.

I'm happy for him. I'm glad his dad and him will have the chance to rebuild their relationship. I'm glad that he will have family around him to help him get his life back on track. I wish only the best for him.

I said goodbye to him last night. It was very odd. I felt strangely emotional I just wanted to cry for no good reason. I guess it's the closing of a chapter of my life.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I can't believe it...

I use RunKeeper to track my runs. I've been tracking my weekly runs religiously since August. I started running in June but wasn't so diligent in keeping track.

I decided to do the math and see how many total miles I've run in just a bit over 3 months.

118.5 miles!!!

I can NOT even believe it!! How on earth did I run that many miles? Not to mention the fact that a lot of those miles were hard won on my own.

This is so freaking true!

Monday, November 4, 2013

In other news...

Warning...cursing occurs in this post. Please shield your eyes if that is offensive to you.

Lately, I've been having really bad road rage. Little stupid things make me boil with anger and then a flood of curse words come flying out of my mouth before I even think about what I'm saying.

My go-to phrase is: "Suck my dick, asshole!"

Now really Sprinkles? Is that necessary? Lets look at this don't have a dick. So then I start to wonder...why is there no female equivalent to this famous curse-phrase?

If GI Jane can say it...why can't I?
There has to be something better than "Suck my dick, asshole" that I can yell to offending drivers. Like the asshole who decided to slow to a complete stop in the middle of the road after I honked at him for going too slow!
If you have anything better that I can yell at horrible drivers (of which there are many!)...please let me know!
In other news...
I had dinner with RatBastard on Sat night. I am attempting to keep it on the DL but as I'm posting it online for the world to see...I am apparently having trouble with that! It was a good dinner. He apologized for everything that had happened in the past (very important to me) and we were able to discuss how I felt. He's agreed to go to counseling with me so we can work on building trust back up and working on how to deal with certain family members. We're going to slowly start to date again. 
This works because RatBastard has moved to a different town about 20 mins from me. He also can't drive so it falls on me to do the driving. I hate going to that town (I always get lost!) and have a very full schedule so we won't be able to play sleepover every night like we did before. I think this will introduce a very new element into our relationship.
There's just something about this guy that I can't seem to walk away from. Maybe I'm just stupid and will end up getting my heart broken again...but maybe there's something there also.
I want to at least try to find out.

Hurricanes Hockey!

Hockey is big down here. You wouldn't think so, since I live in the south...but trust me when I say it is. We do things a little differently though. For example, we tailgate for HOURS before a hockey game! We believe in Redneck Hockey!

I'm a big hockey fan but not as big as my friend HotRod or even my boss. I follow games but not religiously. I tend to talk a bigger game than I actually follow. :D

So when the opportunity arose to go with HotRod to a Full Season Ticket Holder Event with the Carolina'd better believe I said hells yeah!!

We got there right on time and stood in line for a while. While HotRod waited in line...I went and picked up a ticket to go see Macklemore later in the month! Awesome! (yes...I'm not afraid to go to concerts by myself)

We picked up our food vouchers and schedule and decided to go up to tour the press area. This was pretty exciting to me because I love behind the scenes stuff. They had the door to the TV area blocked off but could see inside but not go in. We convinced one of the guards to let us take our pictures in front of the TV that was awesome!

Coming to you live from the Hurricane's's Sprinkles!

Next we decided to go down to the ice and take shots on goal. After waiting in a small line and signing our lives away...we were allowed on the ice to practice shooting pucks into the net. It is harder than  it looks! I made one of my 3 shots in!


After that we went and took a tour of the locker room. We stood in front of one of the most annoying people on the planet. Everything we said about how cool the locker room was or any joke we made about sneaking into somewhere...she had a know-it-all response to. But we quickly ditched her and made our way back up to where the food was!

Who me...hide in a locker? Never!!!

After sitting down and eating (nothing terribly exciting...chicken fingers, pork bbq sandwich, and pink lemonade) we went down to the ice and got to take our picture on the team bench, in front of the Zamboni, and in the penalty box! HotRod made me take his picture with the storm squad chicks. (I won't mention what I call them!)

Jumping over the players bench just like a real hockey player!

We were pretty worn out after running up and down the stairs after this so we picked up our dessert. (Dippin Dots for me and a cinnamon roll for HotRod) There was only one thing left to try to Tim Gleason.

Tim Gleason is my favorite player on the Hurricanes squad. I love him. MommaB made me a shirt that says "Tim Gleason makes onions cry" and "There is nothing to fear but Tim Gleason." I met him back in 2011 when Raleigh hosted the All Star game and I got his autograph and gave him a kiss on the cheek!

So you'd better believe that I wanted to meet him again! Unfortunately....I had verbal diarrhea when I met Timmy and sounded like a babbling idiot! But I did get his autograph and I got to take a pic with him again!

Be still my heart!
And just because everyone thinks I went to this event by's a shot of the two of us on the player's bench. It was hard to get pictures together because one of us would take the pic while the other person was doing the activity or posing!

Yes ladies....he's single!

Where's Sprinkles: Halloween Edition!

Sprinkles has been spotted!

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. When else is it social acceptable for an adult to dress up in costume and eat tons of candy?!

You already saw a preview of my awesome costume (that I've worn the last 4 years in a row!) so it should be no surprise to you what it is!

So let's play...Where's Sprinkles?!

Sprinkles is hard at work!

Sprinkles stretches after a run!
Sprinkles also went to Panera for her stitch n bitch but forgot to record the moment for blog-sterity. So just pretend you can picture me knitting! Use your imagination! It looked pretty awesome. I got tons of weird looks and lots of smiles. Love it! 

City of Oaks Marathon recap

I'm going to post vomit today. I've had so much going on this past week/weekend that I want to capture on blog paper...that it's going to take a couple of posts!

First of all...the most recent: The City of Oaks Marathon and Half!

I volunteered for this awesome event last night and OMG it was so much fun.

I was scheduled to be a course monitor for which I got the awesome swag you saw in an earlier post. I showed up to my intersection on Hillsborough St in downtown Raleigh at 6am and it was COLD! I sat in my car as long as I could.

I met my partner, CostaRica and we sat in our chairs side-by-side waiting for some action. Ms. CostaRica was so nice. We chatted about how we got into running and she told me that her and her husband were expecting their first child! I eventually had to go get my sleeping bag out of the trunk (hooray for never cleaning it out!) and bundled up in my chair and snoozed a little.

Finally we started to see people running in our direction! Little people! It was the kids mile run! They were so cute running...some with parents...some by themselves. I saw some of them afterwards with their big medal and they were so proud of themselves!

We sat around a bit more and finally the fast runners started trickling past. I stood in the middle of the street and directed traffic. I clapped and cheered for all of the runners. It was so much fun yelling their bib numbers and giving them encouragement. I had so many runners thank me for being there to which I just told them that they were the real inspiration. I saw people who looked fresh as a daisy...and people who looked like they couldn't take another step. I tried my best to encourage them all.

Run away from the crazy lady!

I wasn't far from the finish line so lots of runners asked me how far they had left. I was happy to be the one to tell them only .1 of a mile! I told them to run towards the donuts and beer! I told them that they looked awesome and that they should finish strong because they've got this! I told some runners that their feet were on fire they were running so fast! And others that they were killing it!

I saw a dad who had finished and was wearing his medal. I congratulated him on finishing and he told me that his daughters had surprised him at the finish line and that he didn't know they were coming. I could see how much this meant to him by the tears of joy in his eyes. That made me tear up just a bit.

Finally...6 hours after the roads had opened back up and I was getting ready to leave...I saw that there were still runners out on the course, now running on the sidewalk. I stopped on the other side of the street and cheered as loud as I could for those last runners who had been running for 6+ hours! They were about giving it everything you've got!

Some runners started to pass as I was taking this is me in action!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Where's Sprinkles?!

So, I've had two bad running days. I wish I had some great insight for you but really...I'm just looking forward to seeing the Hurricanes tonight and for Halloween tomorrow.

Here's a preview of what I'll be wearing all day long tomorrow...through work...running...and knitting group.

I wore this on Monday night to run club. It was hella fun running through the streets in costume!

So fast, my feet are on fire!
Where's Wanda is my go-to costume. I've worn it now for something like 3-4 years straight. A friend of mine, MommaB asked me if I couldn't just DIY myself some sort of crafty costume. I told her that like me....this costume was cheap and easy.
Waldo is flabbergasted that I would try to be him!

Trust me...he's truly flabbergasted.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Crazy week!

It's been a crazy weekend and is shaping up to be a crazy week!

I took my GS troop camping this past weekend. It was a lot of fun but also very exhausting. I'm extremely lucky in that I got to go with one of our mom's who is amazing to work with. We get along really well and work well together to keep the girls safe and happy. The girls make me laugh all the time with their antics.

The best part about camping was that it reinforced the fact that I really am a runner! I left the girls in very capable hands and snuck in a run! I did 3.25 miles. It was super hilly and slightly chilly!

Happy Camper after a good run!
On tap for this week...
Monday: Run with the Hibernian Harriers Run Club. We'll be running in costume so that should be hella fun!
Tuesday: Run with my meetup group. Then spend some time with a friend of mine.
Wednesday: Tickets to the Hurricanes STH party! I'll get to visit the locker room and meet some of the players. I can't wait!!! Pictures will be posted!
Thursday: Halloween! I'll be dressing up for work and then running with my meetup group. Knitting group to follow! All in costume of course!
Then this next weekend is the City of Oaks Marathon! I'm hoping to make it out to the expo and am really looking forward to volunteering and seeing what goes into a marathon and half.
In other news: I heard from Ratbastard. I sent him a card last week and wanted to know if he received it. So I texted him. We chatted for a bit via text last night. It was nice to catch up with him and hear what he's been up to. My feelings are so mixed regarding that whole situation. I just don't even know. Who knows what will come of it...if anything?!
The GS bandito says surrender all your S'mores!

Friday, October 25, 2013


Winter will be a struggle for me.

I realized that last night when I ran with my meetup group. It was cold and I was under dressed.

The only bonehead with bare arms!
Did I mention it was cold?
I have trouble figuring out exactly what to wear when it's cold because I know I'll warm up eventually as I run, and I hate having to take off shirts and try to tie them around my waist or something.
I have no doubt that this will cause me pain this winter as I hate the cold almost as much as I hate the dreadmill.
Here's hoping for a mild winter!!!