January started with the birth of a very precious baby girl. (ok...technically she was born Dec 31st) MommaB had her little darling who I just love. I've watched her grow this year and thankfully she seems to love her Auntie Sprinkles.
I also managed a trip back home to Texas in January! It was really good to get away for a while and to visit my family. I took the Wal-dog with me and got to meet my sister's boyfriend. My sister and I took pictures together to give to my parents.
We both got the Pink Memo!
February brought love into my life. I met RB on a dating website and we had our first date on Feb. 2nd. It went so well that we spent Valentine's day together and he made me a rap video about our first date. It was a good month.
March was a good month in that I took a trip to the beach with RB and I got a job! I had previously been unemployed since July of 2012. I started work in the middle of March as a temp doing surgery scheduling and data entry.

This was as close as we got to the beach!
April is a month in which I can't remember a lot happening in. I'm sure something must have happened...but it doesn't stick out in my mind. Sorry.
Here's a cute pic of Waldo to make up for April
A lot of shit went down in May...bear with me:
- My divorce from Jazzy was final on May 10th.
- I got my first mammogram on May 10th (yes...the same day I got divorced)
- The mammogram showed that Tina the Tit-Lump was not a cyst like we had hoped.
- I had a biopsy done on my left breast.
- Tina turned out to be a fibroadenoma - in other words...benign!
- The same day my biopsy was done - I got a call from the local police dept. My ex-husband had tried to kill himself and was suspected of trying to make a WMD. The bio hazard crew was brought in.
- The police eventually determined that Jazzy was only trying to harm himself.
- I turned 31!
- I finished Holden:
So pretty! Malabrigo Yarn Sock in Solis
RB dumps me for the first time. No good reason. I spend most of this month in tears.
I also start running with my meetup group! I don't like to be told I shouldn't do something or that I can't do something...so I take up running to prove a point. I can and will run a 5k!
First day! Before I knew how running would take over my life!
Two weeks into the C25K program...I throw out my back.
Three weeks after dumping me in June, RB texts me and says that he misses me. We get back together. He sends out an email to our parents telling them how he was just scared because no one had ever loved him like I did.
My back strain heals and I start running the C25K program on my own.
My job also turned permanent in July! I got a small raise in pay and even more exciting...benefits! Hooray for health insurance!
I also manage to finish my biggest project to date: Gemini
Still don't quite believe I made that!
RB and I take a trip to the beach for his birthday. With his parents.
The Wal-Dog is less than impressed with the beach
Shortly after this trip, RB breaks up with me AGAIN. In the process of breaking my heart he also tears down my self-esteem by saying some very hurtful things about my appearance.
September sticks out in my mind for one and one reason only: the ELECTRIC RUN!
I electric ran that biotch!
I proved to myself that I could and would run 5k! In fact, I kept running, joined back up with a meetup group and continued to run every chance I got.
October brought the birth of this blog, lots more running, and Halloween!
Where's Sprinkles at again?
November found RB and me giving it one more go-around. Therapy included. Things were looking up. He couldn't drive on the weekends/evenings so I found myself making the drive to Cary quite a bit.
I volunteered for the City of Oaks marathon and had a ton of fun.
RB and I weathered our first real holiday together and he came and cheered me on at my Turkey Trot.
Love this pic!
Here we are at December. Where did this year go? December had RB breaking up with me one final time. I was the only one who was surprised this time around.
Cold and darkness had me joining a gym for the first time in my life.
Christmas rolled around and although I had a hard time getting into the spirit of things, I spent Xmas Eve with the people I consider family and Christmas morning with great friends. I skyped with my parents back in TX and talked to my sister on the phone. That evening was really hard for me. I got angry because I wasn't supposed to be alone on this or any other holiday. I was supposed to be with RB. He made me a lot of promises he couldn't keep and that makes me both sad and angry.
All in all..it was an interesting year.
I can't say I regret time time I spent with RB. He taught me some important lessons on how I want to be treated and deserve to be treated. Plus...I met Bliss and gained an amazing new friend out of the deal. I am blessed to know her and am thankful for her friendship everyday.
I also started running because of RB. I keep running for myself...but I definitely started to prove him wrong. So thanks to that...I've lost 25 or so pounds...gone down 4 clothing sizes and feel amazing. I feel like my body is stronger than it's ever been and it continues to amaze me.
So thanks for the memories 2013. It's been real.