Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Stubborn Warrior: New Years 5K recap January's race is in the bag. I know...Its taken me almost 2 weeks to blog about it. Sorry. I'm a slacker.

This was an interesting race because it was the first race of the new year. It was also my first race completely by myself. I didn't know anyone there...I didn't have anyone to cheer me was all Sprinkles.

Screenshot from my phone as I left the house!
So I woke up at 5:30am and got ready for the race. As you can see from the pic, it was bitterly cold outside when I left at 6:30am. The race didn't start til 8am but I had to pick up my race packet so I wanted to make sure I had enough time.
The race was held out at the Dorthea Dix campus which was really nice. I got there good and early and drove around a bit trying to figure out where to park. Finally I found a small parking lot near the start of the race.
That is when I figured out that it was a small race and that I didn't need to get there super early next time.
Best bib number ever!
There was a total of about 130 runners. We started about 10 mins after 8am and we were off!
The first mile was bitterly cold. My legs hurt so bad from the cold. Every step I took felt like daggers to my thighs! Finally around mile 2 I warmed up enough to enjoy the run. The sun was warming up and the scenery was beautiful. I was running pretty much by myself with one or two people passing me or me passing them. It was awesome.
I was so proud of myself for running the whole thing. I was even more proud when I saw my time! I got a PR! (not that I've run many 5ks...but still!)
I ran the 5k in 32:46 which averages about a 10:30mm. Not too shabby!
I placed 49th overall and 19th out of the women.
Stubborn Warrior is a local series of which there are 5 runs total. This was the first. Each run, they give the top 50 guys and the top 50 women points. 1st place gets 50 points, second place gets 49 points and onward. So coming in 19th of the women...I got 32 points! Not bad!
I plan on running all 5 races so hopefully I will better my times and get a lot of points!
The best part is that the race is run on the same course each time so I'll really get to see some improvement hopefully!
Donuts never taste as sweet as they do for a post-race treat!

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