Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I haven't been knitting but I have been playing with yarn!

Almost 2 years ago, I won some dye-able yarn from the Carolina Fiber Festival. I've held onto some of it...just waiting for the right opportunity to present itself.

Last weekend...that opportunity showed up!

A couple of us Dirty Knitters went over to our friend M's house. I shall call her Darkside because we always joke that she balances me out in the world. Everything I love, she hates. Everything she loves, I hate. We're complete opposites...but it works because she's the sweetest person ever.

Darkside has the neatest basement ever. She has a great craft area and it has it's own kitchen with a pull out stove that is seriously retro-cool.

She has done a lot of dying so she knew what she was doing and had the right dyes to make everything super easy. We had all pre-soaked the yarn so we just soaked it a little more with some dawn to make the yarn "open up to take the dye" and then we put the yarn on the stove in big pots with the dye until the dye was "exhausted." What's cool is that if you do it right...the yarn will EAT all the dye and then the water will turn out clear! Sweet!

That hot pink is my yarn!
I picked a hot pink color to dye my main yarn. I love bright colors and I couldn't believe that Darkside even had that dye! Apparently a friend of hers bought it. LOL! It's currently drying over my kitchen sink...waiting to be turned into a hat with a tiara in it!
I also stuck a skein of yarn in with one of the Dirty Knitter's yarn...for a beautiful teal. My yarn wasn't taking the dye so great so it had to stay after school with Darkside for more soaking. She sent me a text's looking pretty good!
 Oooohhh pretty!
Not sure yet what that one will want to be. But I'll keep you updated! :D 

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