Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What day is it?

It's WIP Wednesday!

Well...It would seem that running has stolen my knitting mojo. I'm still knitting...mostly on Thursdays at my stitch-n-bitch. But I don't have any great, new projects burning a hole in my head. I haven't been researching anything fun to knit. I haven't picked out a pattern or any new yarn.

I'm frozen in knitting time right now.

I am making a hat for my ex-husband. I have cast on twice for it. I am tired of it already.

So for are some pics of projects that will probably never be finished...that sit around my house just begging to be frogged or worked on.

This scarf is for me and I still can't bring myself to finish it.
I called this my Layoff Hoodie. I started it when I got laid off last year. I never finished it. I messed up the cables and found out I was purling backwards. I need to frog this sweater but just haven't.

These socks make me both happy and sad. They are a great color, great yarn, great pattern. I just can't bring myself to figure out where I left off and finish a whole 'nother one!

I used to use knitting as a way to quiet my mind and keep my hands busy. I love to multi-task so it was a great way to get something done while I did something else. And while I still love to knit, I'm not sure I need it as badly as I needed it before. But hopefully my mojo will come back because I still want to make myself a sweater. And if I ever manage to frog that Layoff Hoodie - I've got the yarn for one! 


  1. Fingerless'll want them for winter running!

  2. I'm thinking that (and I have the pattern and yarn for them!) and/or leg warmers!
